Remember to interrupt at the right time to get the info you need.
Sometimes, info from one suspect will help you break another.The right interruption at the right time can break the suspect! When you interrupt different parts of a suspect's story, you get different responses.Try interrupting the suspects' story with a question, or a threat!.By talking to multiple witnesses to get the whole story, you can start poking holes in their individual accounts. Real progress is made when accusing someone of lying, but only if you have knowledge that would prove it. When speaking with someone, you must pick the correct type of response depending on what they're saying. This segment plays out differently than anything from the episodes before, as you don't use inventory items and your only options are driving to locations and dialogue choices. No one steals your little buddy's brain except you!Īfter returning to the projector at the end of Episode 302 and finding Max's brain has been stolen, Sam's rage expresses itself in a noirish journey across town, as he berates and threatens whoever gets in his way for any information relating to his little buddy's organ theft.